Berani menjadi diri sendiri


Aku tipe yang takut untuk menjadi diri sendiri. Aku suka mendelete conversation di wasap, karena takut di judge atau takut dipandang menjadi sesuatu.

Dipandang too dominate as women (especially when this judgement comes from man, i really consider it maybe because i am still single and worried that nobody will accept this girl as a wife) well maybe this is true, i am kind of person who actively into the conversation which i loved or with the one i loved. I am kind of person who cannot jokes or well has lot of interesting topic to talking about.

Dipandang sok tau. Sebenarnya ketakutan atas pandangan ini muncul karena aku takut apa yang aku utarakan tidak valid atau salah. Takut ajaa memberikan informasi yang ga sesuai gitu

Dipandang terlalu cerewet. Which is i know harusnya yaaa wajar aja ya cewek itu ceriwis.

I am trying that hard to be me in online or offline world. Share bravely about what inside my mind but still control it. I need to learn how to be me

And love myself more.
Warm regards


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